I have to give credit to my son for finding this beautiful little fungus. Whilst I was busy photographing a Russula he had spotted some huge brackets and then saw the Porcelain Fungus growing in profusion on a large dead beech tree.
Having always admired the delicate beauty of this fungus in books, it was just great to see it first-hand. We spent a long time taking photos of this discovery at various stages from very young to mature. Both of us captivated by it. It is like pure white porcelain that has morphed into a fungus! And just begs to be photographed.
Cap up to 8 cm across, when young grey, slowly turning white. Semi-translucent, slimy. Looks shiny. Gills distant, pure white. Stem also white, striate above the ring which is membrane like and delicate. To be found on dead beech in clusters; sometimes large. Later Summer to Autumn. Common.
Showing top of the cap |
Showing distant gills and membrane ring |
Showing a cluster with young examples |
Showing cap and stem |