
Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Fungi hunting and Chris 3rd August 2011


Regular readers of my blog will be aware that from time to time I make reference to "Chris" in my narrative.  I am absolutely heart-broken to write that sadly Chris (my beloved partner) has died in a tragic accident.

Without Chris,  most of the photographs taken in the past fifteen months would not have appeared (or in due course will appear) over the next few months on my website.  Chris accompanied me continuously to dangerous and remote areas of woodland, cliff edges, and other rough terrain, ensuring my safety at all times. He held me tight whilst I clung to tree trunks, slippery river banks and other situations too numerable to mention, all over the UK, including the Isle of Skye in Scotland and The Republic of Ireland.
Fundamentally he protected me.  I have now lost my precious Chris and protector. 

When I have recovered, I will carry on taking photographs of British Fungi.

I will continue to make reference to him in the blog until the end of July 2011.

Christopher John Cheshire 1963-2011
'Play, Smile, Think of me, Pray for me'