Phaeomarasmius erinaceus 16th June 2012
Last Saturday in the drizzle I set off on my bike to visit a friend. En route she texted me to say she was running 30 minutes late. Unknown to me at the time this turned out to be a blessing.
Despite the appalling light and heavy drizzle I decided to spend the 30 minutes killing time by visiting the nearby Attenborough Nature Reserve and search for fungi. It was so muddy I had difficulty riding my bike. It wasn't long before I passed by a willow tree low to the ground. On a branch very close to the ground and obscured by a higher branch were two tiny little ochraceous fungi.
The cap being 1 cm diameter, scaly and with a paler, fringed margin. The stem being concolorous with cap but darker and with coarse scales. Being curved and no ring. My first impression was that it looked like a
Pholiota squarrosa in miniature. Managed to get a few decent photographs despite the bad light and persistent drizzle.
According to the Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland, 235 have been recorded, 51 being in Scotland.
Two have been previously recorded in Nottinghamshire and my find at Attenborough Nature Reserve, Nottinghamshire
will be added to the database, making a third, now that a spore print analysis proves a positive i.d. Thanks to Richard Rogers, Notts Fungi Group for carrying this out.
My images will be added to Browse 4 at in a few months time.