
Friday, 29 April 2011

Everton Wood, North Nottinghamshire/South Yorkshire border

November 2010.  Visited a new area called Everton Wood.  En route to this wood we had to drive up a minor road.
The wood is next to open pasture land.  Something caught my eye.  A huge ploughed field that had been heavily manured was full of quite large fungi.  I have never before seen fungi growing in such abundance in a large soiled area.
They were quite large, cap up to 20 cm, whitish grey, all growing or just appearing out of a volva sac.  At this stage I cannot identify them so will seek an opinion.

Also whilst in this field I came across what I think might be peziza vesiculosa which also favour manured soil and is frost resistant.

These can now be viewed on Browse 3

Monday, 18 April 2011

Elvaston Castle and Samson Wood

October 2010.  Another batch of photographs taken last October.

Firstly, Elvaston Castle, Derbyshire.  Found an interesting fungus which resembles Boletus Calopus.  The cap being very light grey with a very definite suede/velvet texture.  The stem though has no characteristic netting pattern.  In fact, it looked like a rhubarb stick!
Also came across what I think is a Mycena rosea.  This was solitary and buried in leaf-litterSmelt of radish.

Also October 2010.  Samson Wood, Nottinghamshire.  Found what I believe is a Boletus edulis and finally a beautiful Omphalina ericetorum amongst grass and moss.

All can now be seen on Browse 3.