I found Magpie Inkcap last week. Bunny Wood, Nottinghamshire. This Inkcap is uncommon and mostly to be found in Southern Britain. There have been a few recordings in the county of Nottinghamshire (4), so was thrilled to have come across this - especially as I have been on the look out for it for over a decade. It was solitary and growing next to a Hawthorn tree. Unusually, it was growing on its side and was still attached to the ground as seen in photographs below.
Characteristics: Cap up to 8 cm high, firstly conical then bell-shaped in maturity. Initially white and then turning hues of grey, finally black and covered in patches of remnants of veil which can vary between pink to clay. The gills are crowded, pinkish and with maturity black. The stem can reach heights of 30 cm and has a white woolly base which is bulbous. Deliquescing with age. Late Summer to Autumn in mixed woods but mainly beech.
Showing perspective |
Showing the clay/pink remnants of veil on the cap |
Showing gills at maturity |